Fail to plan, plan to fail. And when it comes to marketing, nothing will foil a plan faster than inconsistency.
We know, you and everyone else is searching for that magical thing that will quickly make your business famous. You know what? Not. Gonna. Happen. Why? Because there is no ‘one thing,’ but rather many tactics, promotional vehicles and comprehensive strategies that will help your business stand-out against the competition.
Nope, there is not a single ad, social media post, nor download guide that will ensure your business’s fame and success. However, there is one thing you can do to help ensure the marketing efforts in which you invest are impactful: BE CONSISTENT.
To create awareness and preference for your brand, your messaging and promotional efforts, including posting to social media, must be CONSISTENT. It’s common sense people. No successful marketing plan ever included a bunch of one-off marketing attempts.
Back in the days of telemarketing, did your phone ring just once? And when you told them– “no, thank you”– did they take you off the call list? Heck, no! The same principles of consistency, persistence and repetition still apply to marketing today.
And this is ESPECIALLY true when it comes to SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. You need to post on-the-regular with well-written, complete thoughts and quality images that reflect your business’s brand and professionalism. Randomly posting to Facebook or Instagram, on-the-fly, or when you have a hot minute, isn’t going to move the needle.
Do you need to come up with unique ways to position your business’s message, products, services and objectives? Of course! Sometimes it will be a testimonial from a client that talks about a unique product, or the incredible service or expertise you offer.
And other times, the posts will feature messaging wherein you share with your audience how to take advantage of that service, or use said product in your home or life. Either way, this posting needs to be published according to a plan and a schedule. Marketing is all about layers… much like bricks, cakes, and lasagna!
Your audience needs to be able to anticipate when they can expect to hear from you, so they know when to look and, subsequently, take advantage of your services or products. For example, if you’re a restaurant, then you’d likely want to post weekend specials to FB and IG every Thursday, so customers can plan accordingly and, in turn, so can you (hello, reservations!).
Plus, regular social media posts are your business’s opportunity to educate clients about your process and services. Say you’re a cake studio, then in the caption about a cool cake you recently designed you can not only share that you create custom pieces, but that you must receive such orders a certain number of weeks or months in advance.
Again, there’s no secret here. Successful brands post consistently with well-planned content that educates clients, colleagues and referral sources (past, current and potential) about their products, services, staff, expertise, etc.
Ready to plan? Ready to ‘get regular’ with your social media marketing? Then, give us a ring. We are social media mavens, afterall, and consistency is one of our super powers!
- Written by: Leigh Karsch
- Posted on: January 15, 2023
- Tags: Business Strategy, Digital, Marketing, Small Business Marketing, social media marketing